Tuesday, June 9, 2009

I'll Get to it Tomorrow...Maybe

Summer isn't officially here yet, but it feels like it more and more every day! This time last year, I was hard at work revamping my house and loving every minute of it. Now, it seems that the steam has run out and I'm feeling lost in a sea of things undone.

On top of the relatively crummy weather, our family has battled some sickness in the last week or so. I'm currently in the middle of a cold, and praying that this is the end...until late fall, of course. Normally, I like to keep the house pretty clean, but ever since we got home from camping, the cleaning only gets done on a "need-to" basis. Vacuuming 2 times a week has turned into less than once, dishes stay in the sink for a day longer than they should, and the laundry continues to pile. It still drives me completely nuts though. I'm trying to get things together for a garage sale (hopefully next week), but even that has only been half done. I had one good day of sorting, and nothing has moved since. I have done a handful of projects outside. I scrubbed and hosed my house/windows that was/were covered in spiders and other muck. I've even planted a few plants! Gardening is not my forte...maybe someday?

One thing I do feel bad about is Soren's room. Since his transition to his big-boy bed, I haven't done much to improve the look of the walls. I'm having trouble pin-pointing a theme...so it's turning into a farm/cabin/pirate/western room. Since his transition I've only mounted a new curtain rod, painted/mounted a shelf with hooks, and hung 2 pictures. I haven't even painted his dresser yet. I think boys are tougher to decorate for. My goal is to plan a room that he can grow old with...that's where the challenge comes in.

Adam is in the middle of his busiest time at work, so our big outdoor projects are on hold. Our new big garden looks the same as it did 3 weeks ago. We did get some supplies for building a chicken run...but I'm sure that won't get done till summer's end. When the sun comes, the weeds, brush, and blackberry bushes grow like crazy...not to mention the grass. We have tons of wood to find/cut to stock up for winter. The generator needs to magically find a way to be wired to the house via Adam's special powers. Our shop roof needs some fairly major repairs. And Adam has been busy finding parts for his "new" ghetto-mobile (another blog for another day). How are we supposed to do it all!!?

Ugh...that doesn't even begin to paint the picture of how busy our summer will be. Adam and I have some serious prioritizing to do...but right now I think I'm gonna go watch some TV.


Melody C. Bondurant said...

sometimes watching TV is just the right remedy...I'm with ya!

Colie said...

Spring illness is just dumb! We are battling with a bit right now and I dislike it! I'm only hoping Caleb stays healthy while Tana and I have it. It sounds like you were on a great run but all great runs come to an end:-). Perhaps now you can balance in house work and TV time:-). Now, that is the challenge!