Thursday, June 25, 2009

Aunt Faith's Visit

Monday morning, I headed down to do check my email and found that my sister-in-law sent me a message asking if she and her daughter, Alice, could come for a visit. I was free for a couple of days, so I said, "sure!" and she was here by that afternoon.

Though last minute, her coming was a great diversion from the day to day. The kids had a great time playing with their cousin outside picking huckleberries and going on mini adventures.

Faith and I spent our time, for the most part, drowning ourselves in adult conversation (a rare activity among stay-at-home moms). During one of those conversations, I asked her if she would foil my hair. She, though not a professional, is quite versed in the knowledge of dying hair. Since I have known her, I have seen her hair become virtually every color of the rainbow including...

She's gonna KILL me for showing these...but oh well. Sorry Faith!

Yes, Faith has a very fun and eclectic style. And since almost every time I see her, her hair is different in some way, I decided that she would be perfect for the job. She was actually quite nervous to do it. She had only foiled a handful of times and didn't want to mess up my hair, but I wasn't too stressed about it. I only had a store-bought highlighting kit, but I also had foils, toner, developer, and other stuff left over from a previous home dye job. Anyway, she foiled the top half of my head. We had a few snags and freak-outs here and there, but in the end, it turned out looking pretty darn good. I was impressed, but didn't like the brassy bleached look. So, after a little research on the Internet, we found that the toner I had stowed away would work to tone down the yellow...go figure. We put that on the next morning (should have left it on a bit longer) and toned down the brass. And it looks pretty darn good!! So, thanks to Faith, I have a professional looking foil job that cost me 1/10th the price!
I'm sad to say that I only have one photo from the 3 days that she was here. Adam caught this not-so-great pic of the kids while they were winding down before bed.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

what no pic of the hair??