Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Downstairs Makeover Continued

Sorry's almost been a week! I've been either busy or haven't had much inspiration for a new post. So, here's what we've been doing...
The diet/exercise regime is going well. I haven't been exercising as much as I should, but I do it when I find the time. And if it doesn't happen in the doesn't happen at all. Saturday was one of those "blah" days. Adam went outside to cut some trees and branches, but I just wasn't into it. I went on the elliptical in the morning and then helped him outside for about 20 minutes before it was time to go in for lunch. I spent the remainder of the day doing cross-stitch and cleaning my disastrous house.

Sunday we all went to church, and then went to Hillsboro so that Adam could take care of some business with his dad. We didn't leave Astoria till like 1:30 or 2 because of of lunch and a hold-up on the bridge. Obviously, it was going to be a quick trip. Both the kids were (and still are) battling a cold and we needed to make sure we got home at a decent time so they could have some good sleep. There wasn't really anything that I needed to get in the "big city," but I needed to kill a couple of hours while waiting for Adam. So, what do I do? Shop...with money we don't necessarily have.

My basement, though completely painted, was still not completely finished. I had put a hodge-podge of pictures on the wall that seemed to go well...but everything lacked color and finality. For Christmas, my mother gave me an awesome chocolate colored slipcover for my garage-sale love seat, and after some sizing and return issues, I finally received it last week. And, for a slipcover, it looks quite nice. My other couch dates back to the 70's (I think) and the colors actually go well with the basement decor. Eventually, I'd like to get the same slipcover for that couch as well...but for now, it's fine. Anyway, with that and a little HGTV, I got new inspiration. So, while in Hillsboro, I took advantage of the time by going to Ross for some new throw pillows and frames, and went to Jo-Ann's for ribbon, remnants, and anything else that I could find to inspire me to decorate my basement.

Like all of my many projects, this one started the minute I woke on Monday morning. I couldn't wait to start putting things together. I worked ALL day until the kids went to bed. I didn't necessarily have a plan...but this some of what I came up with on a small budget....
So, here are the pillows I picked up at Ross (together about $25)...they are sitting on the newly slip covered love seat.
I picked up this BLACK frame at Ross for $7. The black was too stark, so I used some light green interior house paint that the previous homeowners left behind to paint a shabby finish over the black. I already had the lace...something I picked up at Goodwill Outlet a few years back, and the welcome sign below it was a gift.

These pictures were already up, I just did some rearranging and added the blue ceramic flower sconce that my mom-in-law made and the "family" magnet ('s a magnet!). I filled the sconce with dried flowers from my sister's wedding and others I had laying around.
This valance just sorta happened. I already had the ivory colored valance on the window. It was left here by the previous owners along with curtains (I obviously took them down). I had picked up a yard of super-on-sale upholstery fabric at Jo-Ann's on Sunday ($3!!) and was looking for ways to incorporate it in the room. I tossed around some ideas, including pillows, curtains, and using it in a frame. I took the valance down to start brainstorming. I even got out my brand new sewing machine that hasn't even been opened from last Christmas! But, I didn't know how to use it, and was too anxious to get this project done, so I got out the stitch witchery!! I LOVE that stuff! I started with just the greenish fabric (took me at least an hour), but that wasn't enough. So, I got out the spools of ribbon that I also picked up on my trip. 45 minutes later, my valance was finished. With the remaining fabric I plan to make throw pillow and drapery ties for the panels on the sliding glass door. But, my mom has to give me a sewing tutorial first =)
This was a fun monogram project that I also picked up at Jo-Ann's for $3. It came as a little canvas with a design drawn on it with paint. I didn't use the paint provided, but got out my own acrylics. I had to do some mixing here and there, but I think it turned out nicely. I added the ribbon with tacky glue around the perimeter of the canvas. I put it on the wall in a collage with several other pictures, sconce-shelves (Target clearance), candles (Goodwill), etc.
I couple of months ago, I picked up this picture at Jo-Ann's on sale for $13. It wasn't big enough for the space, so I went searching for candle sconces. Fred Meyer had a bunch, but I wasn't willing to pay the $20-30 to get them. While on a Goodwill spree with my mom last week, I searched for something that would work. Within MINUTES of me telling my mom what I was looking for, she found these sconces! But, one was black, and one was silver. They were like $4 a piece (a bit spendy for Goodwill, if you ask me) and I spray-painted them with some of my mom's leftovers from Elise's wedding. I ordered some glass holders online and should be getting them the candles won't melt with the heat of the wood stove. AND, I got the candles (after much searching for a good color at about 4 stores) at WinCo of all places. It's hard to tell, but they are kind of a light blue-green.

So, that's what I've been doing, along with a trip to Longview with my mom yesterday. It was just meant to be a quick trip to pick up something my mom ordered at WalMart and to to WinCo. By the end of the day, the Tahoe was filled with furniture, huge wall-art, and groceries. NO, it wasn't all mine. Although, I did pick up a new ottoman for the couch upstairs. I tried telling myself I couldn't buy it, but I couldn't pass it up. LOVE it!!

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