Friday, October 23, 2009

10 Years Ago Today...

...I met my husband. It was not love at first sight, but I suppose it was love at fist "day"...if there is such a thing. I was invited by a friend who lived on my floor to go down to OSU for a football game. I had never been, so I thought it would be fun. I had a few friends down there and one of my roommates was planning to go down that same weekend. Anyway, a friend of Kristin's (the girl who asked me to go) was planning to pick us up early that Saturday morning since neither of us had a car. When we arrived, and finally walked into his (Brad's) dorm, life was only just beginning to stir. I was on guard, as I knew there would be many guys lurking about waiting for fresh meat to prey on...or at least that's what I was thinking.

We hopped on the elevator and were greeted by a grungy looking OSUer sporting an Eric Cartman t-shirt, pajama pants, glasses, and a vacuum. He tried talking with us, but I just gave him the eye. When we reached the 5th floor of Cauthorn Hall, I held my breath, for the stench of beer and vomit lingered in the air. To make matters worse, the grungy vacuum cleaner guy followed us all the way into the same room. I guess Brad and him were roommates. I vaguely remember a conversation about why he brought the vacuum...I may have thought he was the floor janitor. Anyway, he said that he had heard that "ladies" were visiting and so he thought he would make the room more presentable. Right then and there, grungy Eric Cartman guy scored quite a few points with me!

The happenings of the day are kinda fuzzy. I recall visiting Panda Express and playing a handful of games of Mario Cart. When game time came around, we started to head out. By this time, I had finally learned vacuum guy's name, Adam, and we were expecting him to come with us. But, to my surprise, he decided to skip the festivities to go study! Who studies on a Saturday OSU??? Anyway, we go to the game and come back late. By that time, Adam had returned and we hung out in their dorm for a while. Adam and I talked, while Kristin and Brad flirted. It was unclear, but I thought Adam had a girlfriend. It was a disappointing thought, but I couldn't help thinking that this guy could be the one for me. I kid you not...I was more taken with this grungy Eric Cartman t-shirt vacuum guy than any other guy I have ever come in contact with. In just our short little conversation I learned how much we had in common, and how much I really wanted to get to know him more.

The next morning, I learned that Adam went to church. And, the points just keep piling up!! He came back in time to say goodbye before we left...and brought his girlfriend. She was thin, pretty, smart. And she made sure to let me know that Adam was "hers." I left feeling a bit bummed, but hopeful...especially since he took the time to escort us all out of the dorm and say goodbye. He even gave me a "look."

The rest, as they say, is history...good, bad, and even some ugly. However, I wouldn't trade a single moment. I love you Adam...happy 10th sort-of-anniversary!



Suzi said...

Yeah, I must say, I'd be pretty impressed too. Turns out to be the best decision you ever made. :) The start of great things.~
We love you too Adam!!!:)

weesie said...

YEAH for PEANUT! :) He has survived unharmed 10 years of the 'eye'! :)

Mands said...

How do we become blogger friends??