Thursday, September 24, 2009

Good-bye Kylee...

Yesterday, I headed to Gresham with my parents to say farewell to Henry's darling girlfriend, Kylee. She's only been in our family for a short while (2 months), but in that while we have seen a lot of her and have really grown to love her. Frankly (and I can only say this because I'm the pesky older sister), Henry doesn't deserve her. She is absolutely outstanding. And, of course, the kids adore her.

Kylee only just graduated from high school and is off to Hawaii for 3 months for YWAM (Youth With A Mission). She will go to their training program in Kona and then be gone for another 3 months on a mission somewhere in the World. It's a great way to learn about yourself and God while serving others.

The goodbye party was bittersweet. Lots of family and close friends came to share their support. I was glad that we came. We will surely miss her.

Henry and Kylee

They decided her farewell cake needed some candles...all the kids helped out with that.
We gave her a parting gift...Hawaiian scrapbooking supplies... and Synnove colored her a picture. The kids helped her open EVERY gift.

1 comment:

Suzi said...

When I think of Kylee a few choice words come to mind.... Words like, quality, maturity,and gentle quietness, just for starters. We will miss her while she is away, and look forward to spending time with her when she comes back.