Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Camping: Rain AND Shine

As usual, camping in Naselle was lovely. I always enjoy spending time with friends and family and doing lots of nothing. The weather wasn't as good as it has been on our other camping trips, but it turned out to be MUCH better than expected. The only time it really rained was on Sunday. We even enjoyed a good share of sunshine! The kids had fun playing with their cousins and being visited nightly by the "Camping Fairy" aka Kylee. I must say, on this particular trip, the kids were spoiled rotten!

We played lots of games, ate lots of food, played paintball, watched a couple of movies out by the fire, and went 4-wheelin'. Six days of pure fun! Below is the slide show of pics. I also downloaded a short video of the insane rain (unfortunately, I wasn't able to capture the thunder and lightning) on Sunday morning.


DeYoung-Family said...

That is some serious rain!!!! Looks like fun!

Anonymous said...

Sad we missed it but also a little glad we missed it. I'm not sure we could have made it through such a storm. Any tent campers this round?