Thursday, September 10, 2009

Synnove and Soren go "Hunting"

Adam is always thinking up fun things for the kids to do outdoors. Even though he has TONS to do around the house, he takes the time to relax with the kids. They really enjoy their little adventures, and I enjoy a few moments of peace. On the day after we got home from camping, Adam took the kids "hunting" for whatever animals they could find. He had gone woodcutting that morning and stopped at the store on the way home to purchase a couple of play cap-rifles and some spice drops. Apparently, spice drops are a necessary hunting treat. As soon as the kids were up from nap, they were off to the woods. They hiked up some nearby mountain to a place where they could see the river. Adam said it was quite a hike for the kids, but they never once asked to be carried. Adam got some great pictures of the kids, below are just a few. By the way, they only saw a chipmunk :)

Shooting their guns

There is more than one pic of Synnove looking like this...ha ha! (See view!)

Stopping for a snack...


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