Sunday, April 26, 2009

Roommate Reunion

I've done a lot in the last few days, and haven't had time to catch up on the blog. But, the highlight of my week/weekend was when Natalie came for a visit! I met Natalie almost 11 years ago when I moved onto the 3rd floor of Hobson Hall at GFU. She was shy and quiet and I didn't really get to know her that well until the latter part of the school year. Nat and I went on to be roommates for the rest of our years at Fox...along with a few other of my dear friends that I hope to blog about in the future. It is hard to keep in touch with everyone after college...but it is true what they say...the friends you make in college are the ones you keep forever.

Nat had planned to come over for the day on Thursday, but, thankfully, she brought some "in case I stay overnight" supplies. Once we get to chatting, we just don't shut up! Of course, the kids were quite a distraction, as they loved Natalie and wanted her undivided attention at many moments during her stay. So, with all of the many interruptions, she just had to stay till Friday so that her visit could be complete. She didn't need an excuse to stay...that just sounded like a good one to me :)

We had a great time just hanging out and enjoying the day. We colored in coloring books, visited the chickens and the bunnies, gave Nat a couple of 4-wheeler rides, went to Elise's coffee shop, took a quick jaunt out to my grandma's, ate pork chops, played with play dough, looked at old photo albums, caught ourselves up on The Office on DVR, drank coffee, and did a LOT of talking! I can't wait for her to come back and stay for a few days!

At The Wheelhouse Coffee Co. (my sis's shop) in Astoria

1 comment:

Mands said...

I recently reunited with Natalie myself! We should all meet up sometime, I woudl love to see you!