Wednesday, April 8, 2009

My Mother's Sweet Revenge

I could scream....every day. My kids frustrate me to no end sometimes. I'm sure all moms feel this way at some point...but this mom feels it on a regular basis. If there were toddler report cards, my daughter would get an A+ in whine, and an A++ in fit throwing. I just think that some kids are better at it than others! Most folks who know Synnove would disagree, and I suppose I'm proud of that. At least she's decent in public =)

Anyway, there are many days, including today, that start out quite awfully. Synnove wakes up whining and crying...loudly at 6:30AM. What is this 4-year-old whining about?? Well, your guess is as good as mine. There is absolutely NO reason for the uproar, other than the fact that she's probably just in a bad mood. Now, I'm no morning person, so waking to this so early in the morning takes me straight to my limit. I have absolutely no patience for it whatsoever. I get up quickly to try to calm her before she wakes Soren (who, thankfully, wakes up chipper about 95% of the time). There is no calming her. I ask her what the matter is SEVERAL answer...just louder. By now I'm over my limit, and I'm beginning to sound pretty angry. I offer the TV...still more whine. She is completely unreasonable and unresponsive. I throw up my arms and leave the situation, as there is obviously nothing I can do. Keep in mind, this happens OFTEN...and it happens the same way every time. At about the time I start to walk away, she invents a problem. Problems vary from morning to morning...this morning it was..."I want daddy...I'm mad at him...he didn't give me a cereal bar." In the last few months, Synnove has been waking when Adam goes to work. And because it's so stinkin' early, he often gives her a snack and lets her watch TV while the rest of us sleep. Well, this morning, he had to get up extra early, so Synnove slept through it. SO, after about 5 minutes of uncontrollable whine, I finally get somewhere. Then, of course, my anger flares again, as Soren has been woken up and isn't too happy about it. He'll often sleep till at 6:30 he was still tired. He calmed down fairly quickly...but his coming upstairs triggered more whine in Synnove. Insert "me screaming" here!!

That was just one of many episodes from today...and it wasn't even the worst. I'm not proud of it, but I did raise my voice today...and I raised it pretty loudly. It was the only way I could assure that my kids could hear me over the whining/crying. Who likes repeating things over and over and over again? I certainly don't. My kids do though...they like asking the same question over and over and over again...and then asking "why?" over and over and over again. Ahh! I'm amazed that my brain doesn't bleed through my ears every day!

Mom, I love you, and I'm sorry for all of the pain I caused you as a young child. I'm now realizing that you had more patience than I ever gave you credit for. ~Nicole

1 comment:

Colie said...

Oh my - I have had my days as well. It's so frustrating when they are upset just because. I have a boy like this:-). He will get upset and be in a bad mood for no reason. This is fine when it's an occassional thing - I can relate to that. But, when it happens daily it gets - UGH!

I hope today is better than yesterday!