Monday, March 23, 2009

Waiting for "Normal"

The kids are sick...again. I really was hopeful that we were done for the season of sickness this year. BUT, my kids ended up catching the nasty flu that my dad, sis, and bro have been battling for the last few weeks. Normally, I don't take the kids to the doctor for cold/flu symptoms, but since both my dad and sis ended up with bronchitis, I thought I'd better be proactive. Soren was first and I ended up taking him into urgent care with a severe sore throat and moderate fever. I was glad that I did. It was Friday, and he would have had a full-blown ear infection by Saturday if not for the prescribed antibiotics.

Saturday was a productive, and beautiful day. We spent the day digging out/sawing down a massive stump, and chopping/stacking wood. We were in by 5:00 to make dinner. The kids were great...for the most part. An hour later, Synnove complained of a bad headache and that her legs hurt. I passed it off as hunger with too much sun. I gave her Tylenol and after a while she stopped complaining and we went on with the night like normal. At 10:30 she awoke with a severe headache and a temp nearing 103. We spent the rest of the night calming her down and trying to get her fever down. Synnove is not a very cooperative sick fact, she's quite unreasonable. So, getting her fever down was a delicate task. Thankfully, Adam is patient...but even he was getting frustrated. He slept on the floor that night while Synnove slept on the couch. We all got very little sleep that night...even Soren.

The next morning, Synnove still had a fever, but seemed better. Soren had some new complaints and was a bit whiny. I was battling a slight sore throat myself. We all spent the day in front of the TV. Today, Synnove STILL has a fever, but I'm hopeful for tomorrow. My sore throat continues...with the occasional achiness. I'm trying my hardest not to get sick...and I think it's working.

When I was at the urgent care with Soren, I was chatting with the doctor about sickness. He was telling me that spring usually brings in the stomach bugs. Great. That day happened to be the first day of spring. It's tempting to put my entire family on lockdown till June.


Anonymous said...

Oh, I'm so sorry your kiddos are sick AGAIN. This sickness business is getting a little old for sure. I hope you are all well soon.

weesie said...

Poor little chickens...I hope their better today!

Melody C. Bondurant said...

We had it a few weeks ago...when Kiely was out of town no less. It was no fun. I learned a lot more about fevers and such though (trying to be positive). I also tried really hard not to get sick, it worked for me!!! Special mommy-protect!

As far as Kansas, we don't have enough trust in his company to move all the way out there for was fun to day-dream though!