Thursday, July 29, 2010

Creation Northwest 2010

Last weekend I had the opportunity to attend Creation Northwest with Weesie and the Wilson's. Originally, mom was gonna go, but she very nicely offered me her ticket. I even tired to arrange for Adam to go too, but he really wanted to just stay home and hang out with the kids because he's been so busy lately. So, Elise and I headed up Friday at around 1:00. The Wilson's had been camped there since Tuesday, but Elise and I were only free for the weekend.

It's been a while since I've been to any kind of concert. I think the last concert I went to was at some punk/rock festival where Nickelback played....sometime back when Adam and I were engaged. I like concerts, but usually don't like the spend the money to go to them. Although, I really enjoyed going to Jesus Northwest back in the 90s. I think I went in 1991 and 1997 (it's last year). ANYway, when Creation was "created" back in 1998 I was kinda bummed because it was clear over at the Gorge, where it's really hot and quite a far drive. I always thought it'd be fun to go, but the opportunity never came around. This year was the first year it was going to be in Enumclaw, WA. Enumclaw is a lot closer than the Gorge, and certainly a lot cooler! The Wilson's go every year, and this year they had two extra tickets...woo hoo!

We went. It was a blast. I wanna go again.

I just took my iPhone as my camera and left Adam the regular camera because I knew he was going to take the kids on many adventures while I was gone. Needless to say, the pictures I took are terrible...but, you get the idea.

Elise, Chris, and I waiting in the "mosh pit" for Toby Mac's concert to start. It was a fun concert! I saw Toby back in 1991 when DC Talk was just starting out. I was even in the same room with the entire band, but was too chicken to get their autographs.

Throughout the days of the festival, youth leaders could go to a sort of "v.i.p." area to talk to the different artists. Doug and Sherry had a couple of leader passes, so Elise and I went with them to see Superchick talk...they were so down to earth and hilarious!
We also went to see the lead singer of Skillet chat with folks...he was funny too. One of the questions somebody asked was "what's it like being on tour with your wife and kids?" He responded..."we're like the Osbournes....but we're saved!" Ha ha! Guess you had to be there...
Below is Superchick
Doug and Sherry waiting for Tenth Avenue North to play...

I put this picture in for Doug...he thought he was being so funny...
And....SKILLET! It was a killer concert...lots of fire, smoke, and fireworks. This is a shot I took from the back as the concert was starting. Elise and I couldn't stand to sit in the back any longer, so we ran up to the pit to rock out with the rest of the panheads.

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