Sunday, December 20, 2009

Preschool Christmas Festivities

On Thursday, Synnove performed in her very first Christmas program. They acted out the story of Baby Jesus and sang a few songs. It was so incredibly cute! I volunteered to help out, so I was in charge of the 5 sheep below...

Left to right: Daisy (wouldn't put on sheep costume), Katie, Synnove, Carlie, and Grace. This is the girls putting on their best camera faces for the 5 minute photo-op time...ha ha!

The next day was the last day of preschool before the new year, so Miss Kara deemed it Pajama Day! I was so lucky to be snack helper for the day. Grandma Patty had spent the night the night before because she came for Synnove's program, so she put our hair in festive pig-tails before school. We played games and made a special egg-free (with substitute), soy-free, dairy-free, gluten-free, wheat-free, nut-free, and maybe a couple of other "free(s)" Birthday cake for Baby Jesus! Sound gross, I know, but the cake was surprisingly delicious! Wanna try it? Click HERE!

Novie and I...Soren in the background playing with Legos.
Everyone got the chance to use the mixer. Miss Kara always includes Soren in on the fun during my snack helper days...he fits right in.


weesie said...

She is such a great teacher :)

Suzi said...

It was quite the production. They sure learned a lot of songs. Novie's fortunate to have such a great teacher. ...I was glad to see that there were no sheep... :)