Wednesday, November 12, 2008

October Happenings

Blogging has been last on my list of things to do, and it's hard to believe that November is already almost half over! So, here I am, playing catch-up. We did a lot in the month of October, but here are a few of the little things that happened...

My cousin Heidi's bunny had bunnies, and we were promised a girl so that someday "Bunny-Him" (our male lop...also given to us by the Thompson clan) could be a daddy. So, when it came to giving her a name, we thought "Bunny-Her" would be a suitable choice, but I thought "Peppermint Patty" would fit her perfectly...and would go well with our "Peanuts" theme. So, we now have our "Charlie Brown" and our "Peppermint Patty" and someday we'll get a dog and likely name her "Lucy"....but we'll see.

We aren't to the pumpkin carving age yet, so we painted pumpkins for the 2nd year in a row. The kids really got into it and their pumpkins were covered in blobs of mixed paint that all ended up being one color in the end.

On one of our trips into downtown we ended up walking over some of the Astoria "underground." The purple glass in the sidewalks is to let light into the underground. Of course, the city underground has been closed off for many many years (I don't know when exactly), but I'm sure many of the downtown businesses have access. Anyway, as we were walking by, one of the glass "windows" was broken open and somebody had put twinkle lights down there right under the hole. It was like finding treasure =)

And here's an awful picture from Elise's bachelorette party in Portland. All the other pictures were not exactly appropriate for my family-friendly blog (not bad...just silly). We had lots of fun. It was just Jenni and Krista (two of Elise's best friends and bridesmaids) and myself. I even got to meet up with Natalie, one of my best friends from college!


janell said...

i totally remember the purple glass in the sidewalks.

your kiddos are so cute! thanks for letting me know about your blog...i love reading blogs!

weesie said...

i love reading your blog sissy. your kids are absolutely adorable. you are so blessed with such a beautiful family and bunnies :)
love you sissy