Monday, April 18, 2011

Gnat Creek Fish Hatchery Field Trip

Last week Soren's preschool class went on a stellar field trip to the Gnat Creek Fish Hatchery. I love how interested those little 3 and 4-year-old's were in the life-cycle of the fish. And even though a lot of the words and concepts were over their heads, they were completely fascinated! Soren soaked in every word. Every time "Mr. Steve" spoke, he would inch his way to the front and listen intently. He had learned a bit already from his Uncle Henry and my Dad from his many visits to the Warrenton High School Hatchery, but this place was set up a bit differently. Soren even got to touch the tongue of a grown rainbow trout! In fact, I think he might have been the only kid brave enough to do it. Unfortunately, I wasn't in a good spot to catch a picture of it...but Miss Kara caught one!
From egg to fish...

There were no fish in these tanks, as they were already grown passed this stage...but the kids wanted to stick their hands in the cold water. Soren watching Steve feed the baby fish. There were so many, that it looked like rain on the water when they came up for food.
There are lots of scenic trails at the hatchery...and it's only 2 miles down the road from the preschool.
All the kids made it to this trip!
Parent photo-op time!

1 comment:

Suzi said...

first hand science is always the best. Sounds like you got a real gem to show the kids the fish :)