Thursday, August 19, 2010

"Your Images are NOT Being Uploaded to Blogger"

For the last half hour I've been staring at the phrase "your images are being uploaded to Blogger." I knew that this would be an issue when downloading photos from my new camera. I love to blog, but a good portion of my time is taken up by photo uploads. Even with my point and shoot set to to the very low 1-2 megapixel setting, it still takes a good 5 minutes to upload 5 photos. My new camera is a 15.0 megapixel camera, and as much as I would love to take 15.0 megapixel pictures, it's just not practical. For one, my computer hard drive would fill up alarmingly fast, and two, I would NEVER blog with pictures. Currently, I have my camera set to 8 megs which, in my opinion, is very high quality. Still, each photo size ranges from 3.5-4.5 MB (my point and shoot boasts mere 800 KB file sizes) and uploading is horrendous!! Of course, I could reduce the file sizes, but that also takes time...time I don't have. It's also tedious, and I've been known to accidentally ruin photos by doing so.

Lately, I've noticed that by the time I get my pictures up, I'm just about out of my "allotted" time so I rush through the actual blogging. I suppose this equally frustrates me, as I would like to put more thought into what I have to say. I'm tired of the "yesterday we went to so-and-so's and it was fun...the end." BOR-ing! I suppose you're tired of it too? No, Mom, I'm not talking about you.

Anyway, I have lots of photos to share from the last week or so, but I'm just too tired of waiting for my antiquated computer with it's Pentium 4 processor from 2003...*GASP*!! Maybe I'll have more patience tomorrow? Until then, I'll be dreaming of Core processors and uploading medium-quality 30-second movies in less than 20 minutes! Wouldn't that be a feat?!! The sad thing is, I'm not being sarcastic.

1 comment:

Hannah said...

Hey Nicole - have you ever used Googles photo program, "picasa." It is directly linked to blogger and makes uploading a little easier/faster - and keeps your photos nice and organized. Depending on what operating system you are using there is also something called Microsoft Power Toys that you can download and it comes with a picture re-sizer. I used that with our old computer. I wanted to save large pictures for any printing, but I only blogged small pictures. Just a thought. Good luck. Have fun with the new camera.