Friday, August 21, 2009

10 Things I Hate About...

...My House

Don't get me wrong, I really do love my house. It is everything that I need it to be. It's just not everything I WANT it to be. Here's just a few examples...

1. Light Fixtures

Though many of the lights in my house are in need of replacement, these are the three that take the cake. Behind door number one (the front door) we have the brushed brass with waffle-like inserts. It actually runs quite well, however, because it is soooo high up, it is set on one speed and you can't turn on the light without turning on the fan. Currently, all the bulbs are burnt out. The second eyesore is visible just as you come up the stairs in the carpeted dining room. This fixture, I'm guessing, was replaced 1 or 2 owners ago as it dates from the late 80's/early 90's. I call it "The Dust Collector" as it is always clouded with matter how much I dust it. Fixture number 3 is the epitome of 1970's glory...the smoke/amber colored crackle glass "Boob Light." You don't have to hide your awe...I know you want one.

2. Banister

I'm sure, in it's hayday, this railing was quite a showpiece. It's solid, sturdy, and...well, it's solid and sturdy. I get mixed reviews from folks that come to visit, as some people really like it. I am not one of those people. I don't know what kind of wood it is, but the grain has been torched to define the grain. Adam and I have contemplated sanding and refinishing, but because of the way it is attached (bolted through the carpet/wall), I don't know how well it will look once we get our fancy wood floors....many, many years from now. The deer netting is to keep the kids from falling through the cracks.

3.) Bathroom Number 1

I could have included LOTS of pictures of this hideous bathroom/laundry room, but decided this was enough. I don't think I could imagine a more perfect place to poop.

4.) Bathroom Number 2

Our master bathroom is a mystery. It screams "what were they thinking?!" on sooo many levels. For one, the floor is 75% carpet. Two, the floors are brown/cream/orange, while the running toilet and sinks are powder blue. Three, there is enough space in this bathroom to fit both of our dressers and then some, yet it only has one cabinet. Four, the room was "updated" 2 owners ago with pastel pink/green/blue/purple wall paper and pastel pink walls. Five, the sinks are located outside the bathroom in what I call the "Return to Oz Hall of Mirrors" with no door separating the bedroom and the beaming lights. The vanities "mirror" each other, as do the hanging "boob lights" and mirrors, creating an endless hall effect. Ooo psychedelic!

5.) Windows

The windows in this house are all different ages. Some date from 1975, others date from 1988, 1990, and a few in between. The previous owners were smart and replaced an entire wall of windows in the living room from hideous amber windows with coveted Andersen Windows. I love these windows, however, they have already begun to fog. They also replaced some other amber colored windows with clear glass, and installed 2 beautiful skylights! The owners before them replaced some windows that just plain needed replacing. ANYway, most of the double paned aluminum windows need to be replaced. There are only like 5 windows in the house that have screens and many of the windows leak. You can't tell from the pic very well, but that is our taped up screen so that the BATS don't get in!

6.) Wall O' Shame

About a year ago, when I had exhausted my painting projects throughout the house I decided to take some time to decide what to do with this wall. Though quite "artistic" and "geometrical," I just couldn't bear to look at it any longer without actually doing something to change it. How I was going to accomplish that was beyond me. It didn't take me too long to figure out that there was sheet rock behind those ugly panels! Hooray! I was so excited at the prospect of being able to reface this wall that I immediately began to tear down the panels...piece by piece. It started out pretty good until pieces of wall started ripping off with the panels. And as I continued, it seemed as if the builders began to use more and more glue, and they were impossible to pry off. I had to quit. The wall underneath is fully finished, textured, and painted....such a travesty of home design. Until we scrape up the money to re-Sheetrock, the "Wall O' Shame" is a permanent contribution to our fabulous decor.

7.) Carpet
The carpet in our house is in varying stages of old. However, most all of it is in very good condition. The carpet downstairs dates back to when the house was built almost 35 years ago, yet the wear and tear is hardly noticeable. The carpet in Synnove's room is the only carpet that looks used, albeit for it's light color and plushness. Of course, the permanent purple spots are from the incident last spring. Soren's room has a pea green carpet. It is ugly, however, because his walls are covered in cedar, the "peaness" is muted in a way that it looks somewhat pleasant and appropriate for his room decor. The brick red/orange carpet covering the rest of the downstairs is unattractive, yet functional and hides who knows WHAT lies deep in it's fibers.

8.) The Front Door
Adam, for some odd reason, loves this door. I, on the other hand, can't wait to replace it. Notice the fancy 70's carvings on the front? Again, Adam likes them. I actually wouldn't mind so much if the door actually shut out the bugs and air and opened with quiet ease. Upon walking through, you feel like a vampire opening your coffin for the first time in decades. If it's raining outside, you practically break your hip when you slip on the slick laminate in the entry, as there is absolutely NO clearance to put a rug. And you can feel the breeze coming through allll the way upstairs on a windy day. It's no wonder I find creepy crawlies (lizards, millipedes) in my house!

9.) Basement Tile
No, this tile ain't so bad, but it doesn't fit in. It actually has a tinge of pink and didn't match the ugly brick fireplace that I painted over, and doesn't really match the carpet either. Adam and I want to replace it with slate match the existing slate mantle shelf. Why the builders didn't think of that in the first place is beyond me.

10.) Bathroom Number 3
Like the other two, this bathroom is gigantic. I didn't post a very good picture, but you sort of get the idea. In the back is a giant, unused, carpeted space that was meant to be made into a sauna at some point. There is one small cabinet behind the door, no bathtub, and a small enclosed space for the toilet. The toilet, shower, sink, floor are fashioned in varying colors of tan and medium brown. I didn't paint this room to match the rest of the basement, as I plan to gut the entire room and start over. The kids don't even like going in this bathroom because they think it's scary. In the list of major remodeling projects, this ranks #1. I'm already making plans ;)


Colie said...

It looks like the projects will never end at your house! I think we are wrapping up most projects but it's been 6 years since we've begun. And we still have finish work to go. I love my home as well but sometimes I wish it could just be finished!

Suzi said...

boob lights?! That is so Nicole... I can't help but laugh as I read your descriptions. The emotional investment you put into your sentences is comical. Just think how bored you would be if your house was just the way you wanted it. Really...
When you build, you generally don't have the time to hunt and plan for just the right sort of fixtures etc..
this way you can take your time and really enjoy the journey.
...just a thought.. ;)
I think with the banister check it out to see if you can disassemble it piece by piece, then you might look for a lathe on Craig's list and whittle those suckers into something a little less 'sturdy'.
... I can't wait to read about that adventure... :)

Carole said...

Sounds a lot like our house. We re-did our very out-of-date bathroom for about $6,000 and it was the best money I ever spent.

About the geometric wood wall... after you take the wood down, you could try covering the torn up drywall with some of that textured wallpaper that you can paint. That stuff can cover up all kinds of sins.