Monday, July 16, 2012

Daisy Troop Bridging Ceremony

I was pretty excited when at the start of the school year Synnove decided that she wanted to be in Daisy Girl Scouts.  Synnove is pretty shy and doesn't really like to try new things. Two of her best friends, Brooke O'Connor and Grace Olson were joining, and their influence spurred Synnove's interest.  The girls meet after school every other Tuesday and do a myriad of lessons and activities.  Their leader, Sue Krusick, is fantastically organized and plans lots of fun things for the girls to do.  When it came time to sell cookies, us parents were less than thrilled.  Daisy scouts don't have to participate if they choose not to, but Sue decided it would be good experience for the girls.  Again, I was excited to see how pumped Synnove was about selling cookies.  I think she thought she was going to get to keep all the!  Though a bit timid, she made phone calls to the usual family members and friends and ended up selling around 100 boxes!  The girls also set up a little booth and the local Country Market in Svensen.  Some of the other activities the girls did during their year were singing Christmas carols at the senior center and participating in the school talent show.  In the spring, Sue, along with co-leader Alyson O'Connor, planned an all-day pajama party at the Girl Scout cabin in Seaside.  The girls played games, ate smores (from the microwave), painted nails, and did other fun girly things.

On June 2nd, all of the Daisy troop "bridged" to become Brownies.  Daisy girls are k-1st grade, but the girls only had 1st graders in their troop.  The ceremony was conducted at the Gnat Creek Fish Hatchery, and though the weather was dreary, the rain remained a light mist if it rained at all.  After doing a few ceremonial things, all of us hiked the trail to a small bridge on Gnat Creek where the girls bridged over to receive their new vests and say their Girl Scout pledge.  We then returned to the picnic area and watched the girls sing a few songs and have some cake.

Before the bridging.  The 4 girls on the left are in Synnove's Daisy troop. Katie Krusick, Grace Olson, Synnove, and Grace Adams (we were missing Brooke O'Connor).  The two girls on the right are brownies bridging to Junior Girl Scouts.

The girls actually crossed a little bridge to go from being a Daisy to being a Brownie.

Brownies! Afterwards, each girl got a box of brownie mix and a certificate.

1 comment:

Melody C. Bondurant said...

How cute! I DO miss small towns.