Tuesday, May 24, 2011

May 5Th: Spring Tea

A few weeks ago, Soren's preschool went on their annual field trip to Hunt's Market to shop for soup ingredients for the Spring Tea. Each of the kids got a short list of items to purchase after getting the full tour of the store. Potatoes were one of the items on Soren's list...

After getting back to the school, all the parents stayed to help their kids prep for the soups. The kids scrubbed potatoes, cut up break for croutons, and helped Miss Kara mix ingredients. The kids made potato soup and taco soup.

A couple of days later was the actual event. The kids set the tables for their visiting family members and then gave a short musical performance. I'm pretty sure they were reciting a poem they learned below. Soren did a fantastic job! I wasn't expecting him to even sing, but he did all the motions and sang wonderfully!

Once the performance was over, the kids and families were led to the foyer to dish up their soup and view special Mother's Day hearts with the kids' answers to the question "what is your favorite thing to do with your mom?" on them. Soren's is the purple one in the middle...he's obsessed with collecting Candyland games of all vintages.

Three of Soren's grandmas showed up (two had to cancel last minute). Soren gave me a fancy glass jar with flowers in it covered in crepe paper shapes as a Mother's Day surprise :)

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