Thursday, October 28, 2010

Never In My Life...

...has my kitchen been this messy.

What you can't see are the crumbs, the exploding sink full of dishes, the empty silverware drawer (cause they are all in the dishwasher), dried-up yogurt, random bent nails and loose screws, and goodness knows what else. I walked in from taking Soren on his preschool pumpkin patch trip and just had to take a photo. It's sort of a glimpse of how our lives have been in the last month. Our house has been a construction zone, a guest house, a place to entertain, and a hospital for one of the sickest months on record. And, when I'm not doing laundry, cooking dinner, cleaning up vomit, scouring the Internet for our next vehicle, running my little business, taking kids back and forth to school, vacuuming joint compound dust, painting, selling stuff on Ebay, running to the post office, entertaining guests, making deliveries, throwing parties, attending meetings, and sleeping....I'm plopped on the couch for some much needed down time.

Forgive me for my 3-week hiatus...I hope to catch up soon :)


Kami said...

I'm just tired reading all your activities!! Hang in there.

weesie said...