Sunday, May 16, 2010

Fox Friends

For the last couple of weeks, Adam has been working non-stop for the annual mill shut-down. It's always hard when he's gone. He leaves before I get up and gets home just as the kids are going to bed...7 days a week. During these times I really try to fill our days with lots of things to do. Fortunately, the weather has been the best it's been all year! Synnove's preschool has also been keeping busy with lots of field trips and activities. Anyway, we sort of had a blip in our week when Synnove caught a nasty cough and we had to cancel some plans. However, at the last minute, my dear friend Mandy asked me when I would be free for a visit! We planned for Saturday. Even dear friend Natalie was going to be able to tag along! I was soooo excited!

They arrived before noon. I cooked up some fajitas and we ate strawberry shortcake for dessert. The kids we very happy to have guests, and, as usual, tried to steal their attention every moment they could. Synnove was especially excited to see "Matalie," who she fell in love with when Nat came for a visit over a year ago. The kids were very good though, and even gave us a show at the end of their visit, complete with singing and dancing. Mandy and Natalie didn't leave till almost 9! It was great!! I hadn't seen Mandy since I was pregnant with Soren 4 years ago!

I had to ask Synnove to snap a photo...not too shabby...
Notice Snow White's slipper?

Thanks for coming girls! Love and miss you both :)

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