Friday, February 19, 2010

Making Valentines and Valentine Dance

In an effort to be crafty with the kids, I decided we would make Valentine cards. It took most of the morning to prep them (cut out hearts, and print out photos), but it was worth it. They decided to make Valentines for the people they were going to see on the eve of the Valentine dance (the 12th). Soren was going over to Grandma and Grandpa's because I had a Mary Kay party to attend, and Synnove was, of course, going to the dance. So, she made Valentines for Adam, Uncle Don, and Heidi. I made sure to print out pictures of them with all the people they were making the cards for. It was a bit of a mess that took several hours, but it was worth it.

Ever since Synnove had the slightest inclination that Valentine's Day was coming up, she couldn't stop talking about it. As soon as Christmas was over, she knew. Although, I had to down-play it a bit because I knew that Adam had a business trip right around Valentine's Day, and I didn't know for sure if he was going to be able to take her. Plus, Heidi wasn't going to be able to go because of a dance competition. Anyway, Adam found the information and saw that it was going to be on Saturday the 13th. Even though he was going to be leaving on the red-eye THAT night, he still wanted to take her. So, I signed them up.

A couple of weeks later, I finally got the flyer in the mail. I was surprised to be getting it so late, seeing as this is a very popular dance, and usually fills up by January. I didn't even bother to read the flyer, and set it aside. The next day, I got a call from Alice asking what session we had signed up for. I was like..."the gal only gave me one time." Then, I looked at the flyer. They were planning 2 sessions for Friday night! Gee...thanks for telling me! Anyway, because it was on Friday, Don and Heidi were going to be able to go! So, we signed up for the earlier session together.

I picked up Synnove's corsage on Friday while she was in preschool. Adam wasn't going to be able to make it to pick her up in time for the dance, so Don and Heidi planned to pick her up and meet Adam there later. At the last minute, Adam was able to race home to pick her up! It was so cute. She didn't know about the corsage. Just before they were to leave Synnove pipes up and says "wait...I need my little flower wrist thingy!" We fibbed her a bit to make her think that we didn't get one. Then, Adam pulled it out to surprise her. She was very excited, and off they went! Of course, Synnove had her Valentines to give to Daddy, Uncle Don, and Fi Fi.

At the Pig 'n Pancake...just like last year.

1 comment:

weesie said...

She will remember this forever :) I love your children