Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Fly to Jesus

So, I was on my way into town this morning to run some errands and Synnove pipes up, as she often does, and says, "I want 'Fly to Jesus,' I want 'Fly to Jesus!'" (Untitled Hymn by Chris Rice). The radio was set to K-LOVE, as it usually is, and I told her, "I'm sorry honey, the people at the radio station are the ones that choose the songs, not mommy." She says, "awe, but I really like that song!" At the time, the radio was in the middle of commercials and talking. A few minutes later a song finally comes on. I got a little lump in my throat as the piano music started and Synnove pipes up again with much excitement and says, "it's Fly to Jesus!!!" We all thanked Jesus for that little gift and Synnove sang the whole song.
THEN, as if that wasn't enough brighten my week, once we got to our first destination, Synnove says, "I can't wait to die and go to Heaven and meet Jesus!" (that may not be her exact words, but really close).
What more could I ask for?
But Jesus said, "Let the children alone, and do not hinder them from coming to Me; for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these." Matthew 19:14


Brian, Stacey and Shelby said...

This gave me chill bumps! So sweet...

Unknown said...

What a great gift. Can words adequately describe; really, how special that little gift was?! The things he does for us through our children are so personal and pointed. He challenges our understanding of Him and enriches our relationship(s). What a great and wonderful God.

Colie said...

Smile :-)