Tuesday, July 12, 2011

4th of July Camp Trip: The Creek

Maybe it was the unusual amount of sunshine, but for some reason I took a lot of pictures this camp trip. Hopefully, I'll get around to posting some more.

In the last couple of years, the weather on our camping trips has been less than desirable. We're happy if it only rains one or two days out of the usual four that we camp. This trip was perfect! It wasn't too hot, and it wasn't too cold...and we even put on our shorts! Ha ha! The kids are always anxious to get down to the creek, and it's even better when they can actually put on their swimming suits and take a dip.

Synnove, on the new 4-wheeler ready to go!

Chris, Tonya and Faith didn't actually camp overnight this trip but came for breakfast and didn't leave till after dinner every day. Tonya's baby was due June 30th and was very uncomfortable, and sleeping in the trailer wasn't the best idea. Faith didn't bring her swimming suit, so her and Chris just put their feet in...

Over the years, we've continued to rebuild a little dam and the built up water creates enough current for a fun little jaunt on a floatie. Somehow Soren suckered Lori into bringing him back up every time he went down...

Dam building...etc.

Soren was brave enough to go down river numerous times before Synnove got up the courage to do it as well.

Heather (aka "Herbie"), me, and Heidi (aka "FiFi")


weesie said...

you took some really great pictures sissy!

Suzi said...

that first pick of Synnove brings to mind a song.... "Born to be Wild". I can just hear the tune... :)