Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Clam Digging

Spring break was last week, and we did virtually NOTHING! We were all still recuperating from being sick and the weather was awful. On the first weekend (first day of spring break) Adam spent the day out of town, but came home by 5:00 to drag us out of our cabin fever rut and go clam digging. We didn't get to the beach till about an hour before dark, but we made a go of it anyway. We knew that clamming wasn't that great, so we weren't expecting much. Really, we just wanted out of the house. It was cold, but it wasn't raining, and the wind was just a whisper. And although we didn't come home with any clams, we all enjoyed the fresh ocean air.
March 19th:


Colie said...

beautiful pictures! it makes me want to live by the beach :-). Also - i love your dress for the wedding!

Suzi said...

Your 1st two pictures are almost surreal. I love the vibrant blue... I would say they are fair quality. Nice perspective :)