Thursday, November 4, 2010

So Much to do, So Little Time...

Monday: Take Synnove to school, run to Astoria to work for Elise, juggle the kids from person to person, end up working most the day, get off, run to Les Schwab before it closes, get new tires, pick up the kids at Grandma's, run home in time for bath time.

Tuesday: Wake to Soren and his ever-aching tummy, take Synnove to school, run to Portland to take Soren to the dermatologist, go store hopping for this and that, make sure Adam picks up Synnove, get home by 7:00 to find Adam not well, put the kids to bed, fall asleep to the TV.

Wednesday: Take Synnove to school, run to town to make several deliveries, arrive home by 1:00, talk to Tracy about arrangements for Thursday's fundraiser at the school, feed starving chickens and thirsty bunnies, pick up Synnove, change clothes to clean leather upholstery, buff for two hours, change back into regular clothes to drive into town to meet Adam at the Credit Union, sign papers, go grocery shopping, meet mom and friends for dinner and a movie, get home at 10:30.

Today: Adam's car exhaust explodes (literally), yell at severely grumpy children, attempt to take kids to school but car is dead, (Adam took the truck because his car exploded) frantically call friends to pick up kids to take to school, call Aunt Alice to come jump my car, couldn't get car out of garage so had to put it on a charger, blew debris from latest wind off the driveway for a half hour, started making fliers for tonight's fundraiser, went out to successfully start the car, picked up Soren, chatted with parents and teacher for a while, came home to make lunch, finished fundraiser fliers, now off to mow the lawn before rain comes tomorrow. Pick up Synnove in an hour, change clothes, be at fundraiser all night.

Tomorrow: More of the same...add babysitting, and picking pounds and pounds of crab to the list.

My house is a mess, the laundry isn't done, dishes aren't washed, but I did find 10 minutes to write this blog! At least I can check one thing off my list...right??

1 comment:

weesie said...

See, now we can prove everyone wrong. A stay-at-home-mom always has a job to be doing!!! Keep it up sissy!! I'm proud of you :)