Monday, March 15, 2010

Surprise! Adam's 30!

Adam's thirtieth birthday had been on my mind for quite some time. I wanted to do something special, but I was having a hard time finding the time to plan anything. So, at the last minute, I decided to throw a small surprise party with just close family and friends. Fortunately, most everyone was going to be able to come! I spent all of last week planning, cleaning the house, and avoiding spilling the beans to Synnove (she just can't keep a secret). I actually had a very close call when I mentioned the party to some customers during one of my MK deliveries. Synnove got so excited and asked about the party. With some last minute clever thinking, I managed to avoid disaster and Synnove remained somewhat clueless. Phew!

Anyway, the plan was for everyone to be at my house before 1:00...just in time for Adam and I to get home from church. Murphy's Law kicked in at the last minute, and church didn't end until 1:00! I was already cranky with a throbbing headache, and to make matters worse, Adam told the kids that we could go see the elk after church. Ugh...I wanted to scream..."can't we just go home!!!" Adam even wanted to go to my parents' house after church to pick something up! Thankfully, he seemed OK with my emphatic "no, I'll pick it up tomorrow" response. I avoided every urge of frustration and just played it cool. I knew he might want to go out to eat after church, so I made up a fake plan the night before to go out on a birthday date that afternoon while Heidi watched the kids. I even pretended to look up movie times on my phone on the way home from church...when, actually, I was texting my family to start up the BBQ.

I was so happy to see that Adam was truly surprised when we pulled up the driveway. We ate burgers, visited, and watched Adam open some awesome gifts. Afterwards, we lit up 30 candles on the cake (homemade by Jeb!) and sang rather quickly as the wax oozed onto the frosting.

Always gotta have the kid photo-op

We finally got to meet Chris's darling girlfriend, Lindsey! Jeb and Chris are two of Adam's closest friends, and I was so happy they made the effort to come out!

Soren felt the need to help daddy with his gifts.
There were so many candles...small coals flew onto my shirt as he blew them out!
I didn't know how I was going to get a cake to the party seeing as I was going to be gone for the wedding for most of the weekend. I had arranged all the food...but I hadn't figured out the cake until Jeb offered to bring it! Hooray! My problems were solved and everything was arranged. It was a great surprise.


Suzi said...

that was an awesome cake. And that Lindsey, what a keeper! Good thing Adam is so easy going, or he might have arrived at the house pretty ticked! He is such a good sport.
It was a great day.. thanks :)

weesie said...

It was the 'coolest' cake and birthday ever! Keep pressing mr renfro..lindsey is a KEEPER!!!