Wednesday, January 20, 2010

What Faith Can Do

So, we're in the car today, just Soren and I, and he randomly says "Faith can do that." and I say "what did you say?" He says "Faith can do that." and I say "Faith can do what?" He says, "Faith can climb on the castle." and I say, "oh, are you talking about little Faith that came to your birthday party?" He says, "yes, she can climb on the castle." I assume he's referring to the large stump behind our house when he talks about the castle. I thought what he said was pretty random and said "huh, well that's nice Soren." and left it at that. A few seconds later I realize the song playing on the radio..."That's What Faith Can Do" by Kutless. Ha ha!

Oh, and just so you know, Soren knows pretty much all the words to that song (his own version, of course), and it's sooooo stinkin' cute when he sits in the back of the car singing. I love it. So much.

1 comment:

Suzi said...

It would be great if you could get him to sing and catch it on video camera. Especially when he makes it big.