Thursday, October 2, 2008

Meet Charlie Brown

There's been another addition to our growing family. Meet Charlie...our new kitty...

Now, I don't consider myself much of a "cat person" but a few months ago, we decided that it would be fun to get a cat for the kids. We knew from the start that we wanted an orange kitty, but didn't really pursue it. Then one day, my aunt called me (the same one who gave us a bunny, a rooster, and two hens) and said that a gal she knew needed to get rid of some kittens and ONE of them was orange! A few weeks later, Sherbet (their name for him) was ready to leave his mommy. Sherbet was a great name...but we had always wanted to name a pet Charlie 'Brown.' We will be getting a dog someday...hopefully within the next year...but we want a girl dog, and "Charlie" just won't work. So, our kitty's name is Charlie.

Charlie was quite clingy the first couple of days and the kids didn't like that too much. In fact, Soren is still a bit scared of him. He likes to paw, bite, and most kittens. Fortunately, Synnove has overcome her fear and now carries him around like her baby. Yesterday, she found lots of ways to carry him around, as you can see from the pictures....

Charlie is an outdoor cat, but we like to take him inside on's Charlie "shopping"
He actually seemed to love being in that little bag and was in it for a good 15-20 minutes!
Synnove gave him a tour of the was so cute =)

1 comment:

You can call me Betty said...

Uh oh! You've started a collection!!!!